What Does ‘Added by Mention’ Mean on Snapchat?
“Added by mention” on Snapchat means that someone added you as a friend through a tag in a snap. For example, if a friend tags you in a group photo and one of their friends adds you through that tag, it will show up as “added by mention” on your Snapchat.
Snapchat is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos with their friends. One feature of the app is mentions, which allows people to tag their friends in their snaps. But what does it mean when someone adds you on Snapchat and it says “added by mention”?
This article will explain the exact meaning of this term and how to add someone through a mention on Snapchat. Additionally, we will provide some tips for staying safe on the app and avoiding spam requests from strangers.

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FAQs Of What Does By Mention Mean On Snapchat
What Does It Mean When Snapchat Says Added By Mention?
“Added by mention” on Snapchat means that someone added you as their friend through a tag in a snap that your friend posted. For instance, if you were tagged in a group photo and someone added you through that tag, then it would appear as “Added by mention” when they added you as their friend on Snapchat.
Can Someone See If You Mention Them On Snapchat?
Yes, someone can see if you mention them on Snapchat. Once you tag or mention someone in your snap story, that person will receive a notification that they have been mentioned. This allows them to view and respond to your snap story.
Additionally, if someone adds you through a tag or mention made by one of their friends, the notification will indicate that you were added “by mention. “
How Did Someone Add Me On Snapchat?
If someone added you on Snapchat “by mention,” it means that one of your friends tagged you in a snap, and their friend added you through that tag. For example, if you were tagged in a group photo, and one of your friend’s friends added you through that tag.
It’s different from adding you by searching for your username or snapcode.
What Does It Mean When Snapchat Says Added By Search?
“Added by search” means that someone found you on Snapchat by searching for your username or full name, instead of adding you through a snapcode or from your username on someone else’s Snapchat story. “
So there you have it – now you know what it means when someone adds you on Snapchat through a mention. Whether it’s through a story, snap, or message, being added by mention indicates that another user has added you as a friend.
By tagging you in their content, they have allowed one of their friends to add you through that tag. As you use Snapchat, keep an eye out for these mentions and take advantage of the opportunity to connect with new friends.